Spot the obvious I know but sometimes we can’t see who’s actually staring back at us in the mirror. Familiarity can breed contempt even within ourselves!
“Forgive yourself. Love yourself and see yourself through New eyes. Through the eyes of LOVE”
I’m really proud of a young lady I’m Mentoring. She’s made so incredible changes, she’s happier and less focused on the achievements of her peers and more focused on where she’s going. She’s like a different person.
“What you focus on get bigger!”
So when she focused on others their achievements got bigger and hers got smaller, insignificant and embarrassing. As she began to focus on herself, she get bigger and more significant in your own eyes. She started seeing great opportunities that were there all along but she didn’t/couldn’t/wouldn’t see them!
There’s so many places to diversify.
I’ve always wanted to do Business but didn’t do Business Studies cause it wouldn’t be interesting enough for me on it’s own so I studied Business at the London College of Fashion. Now I’ve niched into Clergy. One day I’ll be a Speaker and Author.
My Mentee Jessica started in Law and may end up in Law OR diversify into something similar.
What you choose today isn’t necessarily what you’ll be doing in 5, 10, 20 year’s. Look at me.
“Be firm in your convictions but flexible in your approach”
God has an incredible path laid out before you. He is a lamp to your feet and a light to your path. Give Him your plans, your heart, your desires and ask Him to lead you. Direct your steps. Tell Him He’s in control and you will have the life of your dreams!!
You are a perfect mixing pot of everything need to be You. So don’t try. Just BE YOU.
Ask God to help you discover who you are, because you are His incredible creation!! Wait till you get to know who you truly are. You’re gonna love (insert your full name here).