I am a big thinker and a big dreamer . I have some huge goals and dreams but there also is so much power in being PRESENT.
Yesterday for example. I was believing for something really big. Let’s say I have 10 things of my list of needs I’m believing God for – I serve a God who can do all 10 suddenly – my expectation was high.
As I got to work I ended up focusing on the one thing while I worked. I got that one thing. It might not seem like much but I poured gratitude and thanks onto God for that one thing.
I woke up today with the thought “believe for smaller”. That challenged me because I like to stretch and reach for greater and bigger… but smaller?
My experience yesterday showed me the Power of Process. If I got 1 thing out of 10 yesterday, what could happen after 10 days of powerfully believing and doing the work necessary to make the next thing happen, then the next. I could potentially have all 10 things! It’s not an exact science, it’s faith, mixed with works which creates miracle moments.
Have your big goals and dreams but pour your energy into one small thing at a time and the compound effect will blow your mind.
Want to achieve big goals? Believe for the smaller elements and make small commitments everyday.