Don’t hide inside your insecurities it’s not safe there.
Don’t hide inside your insecurities it’s not safe there.
October is here!! It’s the final quarter of 2018. Let’s hit reset on our goals. What did you want to achieve this year and haven’t yet? There’s still time!
In a recent book I read it said “imagine it’s 31st December what would you like to have achieved? What do you need to do to make that happen?”
I literally stopped reading, put the book down and started to imagine. I got a lot clearer on what I wanted to achieve and it set my focus and intention in the right place.
This is a great time to reset and refocus then Press Play.
Let’s make these next 3 months a great foundation for 2019.
“…dem is fighting words!!”
Would be my response at the mere suggestion of going forwards lowly. But still I’d hear from incredible visionaries and successful Business People that “slow and steady wins the race”.
When I was younger I was the hare in the story, as I mature, live and learn I’m becoming more tortoise like.
Yes I want to win. Yes I want to achieve my goals but no, I’m not in a rush any more.
Having a little success is great!! But it can also be dangerous cause you want to scale from x10 sales per week to x100 or x1,000. But can you handle;
The list goes on and on.
Scaling gradually means;
Unforeseen things will inevitably arise but it best if you can handle, with confidence, what you know will arise.
When you’re small and agile you can manure and make quick changes. This is the best time to make them, then it’s time to Scale.
What are you waiting for? The perfect timing, setting and situation.
Ecclesiastes 11:4
He who observes the wind and waits for all conditions to be favorable will not sow, and he who regards the clouds will not reap.
News Flash – If you’re waiting for the perfect conditions you won’t do it.
When Peter I wanted to get married, we didn’t have enough money so we agreed to wait. A friend gave us GREAT advice “if you wait to have enough you’ll probably be in your 60s. Get the wheels in motion and watch everything fall into place…” and that it did.
By the time I walked down the isle to Peter 6 months later absolutely everything was paid. We had a debt free wedding. It was tough! But we worked hard, people were incredibly generous with their money and ideas. God blessed us with big and small miracle.
We did what felt impossible at first but moment by moment and miracle after miracle or felt possible, till it was done.
There are times you do have to wait. But there are always a lot of times (admit it) when it’s you holding up your own progress.
What is it you need to do? Big or small. Take small steps. Little by little. One bite at a time. Slow and steady wins the race but get moving:
The best thing about starting/doing/launching is the confidence and momentum that gets lit in you and the feedback you get.
Ah FEEDBACK. It might not all be good feedback but that’s life. What can you learn from it? PLUS there’ll be a lot of GREAT Feedback. Be encouraged and KEEP IT MOVING.
Here to encourage you to be your best YOU!
As you get a design idea, a burst of inspiration, a blog or post idea… I say let it go. Do it. Put it out there, get it out your system. As you draw, post, do, you’ll get more.
Don’t be afraid to run out. God is an UNLIMITED SOURCE!! Forget that poverty and Scarcity Mentality.
Get it. Give it. Get more.
Think Out Loud. Love Out Loud. Who benefits is EVERYTHING stays in your head?
Don’t muzzle your Greatness.
The World is waiting to see God’s Finest work… and that’s YOU!!
It’s bold move.
What is IT? This thing you fear? Name it. Face it. Deal with it. Address it.
But you know what, it’s probably not as scary as your mind thinks it is. Deal with it so it can be a thing of the past!
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