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Make yourself say stuff!

I’m speaking to the shy, easily intimidated one who’s lost their voice! 
Your disappearing into your crowded life and you don’t feel like what you have to say hold any value, weight or worth. 
Step out from the crowd and just start saying stuff. 

Join the conversation. There’s something inside of you that needs to heard and you may be out of practice to just start. Start today! 


What would you do if you weren’t afraid?

This statement is something to stop and think about. Ponder. Really challenge yourself on this thought. 

As I read this quote from Sheryl Sandberg, a huge weight lifted. The weight was the fears, worries, anxieties and limitations. Suddenly, (even if only in my mind) for a moment, those weights were no longer there. No longer besetting me and I could just allow myself to imagine where I wanted to be in life; with no fear and I was very clear. 


This week I’m going to post a blog everyday based on the Twitter hashtag Women in Business arrive I read that quoted the top women in business.
If I had no fear would… I be writing and speaking to people everyday. Inspiring and motivating with joy, jokes, passion and strategy… like Dani Johnson. 
It’s amazing (and very annoying) the small things we ALLOW to hold us back. 
I encourage you, everyday become more and more conscious of what’s holding you back and address each thing mentally, verbally, on paper, in a journal and through prayer to deal with it. Strip back the layers of excuses and fear and YOU allow yourself to come forth. 

Take some time today to think about what you would do and who you would be if you weren’t afraid! 


My Very Candid Wedding Tips

Was speaking with a very special friend recently and we had a good laugh about some of my very candid thoughts on weddings and wedding planning. Just thought I’d share:

  • Add touches to your day that are unique to you both.
  • Think about what you actually remember from other people’s weddings and pay attention to those things; If it’s the speeches, make sure you spend time with the people you want to speak to keep things real and fresh.
  • Spend money on what matters most to YOU BOTH! (It your money 😎) budget everything else. For us it was our rings and honeymoon. 
  • When people ask what they can do to help offer them a list of suggestions, people will shock you!
  • If money is tight after the wedding, don’t worry about holiday spending money. ENSURE you take your wedding cards in the car with you when you leave, trust me, in that car ride to the hotel we were opening them cards and overwhelmed by people’s generosity. 
  • ASSIGN someone, close, but not part of the wedding party, to take and look after your marriage certificate until your feet land on the ground again. Mine was lost for months then turned up under my car seat. Someone left it there to “keep it safe”. 
  • If you wait till you have enough money to get married you’ll both be 85. So you get started and it’s incredible to see how things come together and God just makes a way! When we got engaged we didn’t have much money say all but by the time I walked down that isle, somehow, everything was paid for. 
  • Biggest tip: You work so hard for months on the detail. When the day FINALLY comes, relax and ENJOY. Take it all in. Be present. 

What I am. What I am not.

I have found my 30’s to be a very reflective place.

I’m not who I used to be!
There are some things that can live on but there are some things (things you used to do in your teens and 20’s) that have to go!
So who am I now?
I feel a bit like that teenage choosing GCSE options or college course and asking themselves “what do I want to be when in older?” Except now the question is, who am I? Socially? Financially? Mentally?
Yes, you get to answer those questions and shape your life!
Thinking about what you don’t want is just as important as thinking about what you do want. 


Branding Yourself

How do you brand yourself?

I found it really challenging to;
– find an image that depicts me and what I’m about,
– a colour that brands me and
– a slogan that sums me up.

The key is focusing on now and your current goals. We don’t know exactly what our future holds so we can’t create a brand that sums up all we will ever be.

I had to resign myself to the fact that my brand will evolve with me, and that’s ok!

My current brand evolved when I spoke for the Federation of Image Professionals and realised I was going to be coming out from behind my House of ilona brand and be Camelle Daley on a stage and a platform. It was really hard. I chose to focus the image of the brand on how I looked at the time; full face and short curly hair. The yellow colour summed up my bright mood and I went with formal lettering.

If I were to update this today I’d go for a slimmer face shilloutte embossed, a more muted colour pallet and a slightly more quirky font, to make it more modern.

In three words how would you brand yourself today?
– image,
– colour,
– font style

Comment below 🙂


A different perspective of the same thing

As I’m reading this book Imagine Big by Terri Savelle Foy, I’m partly reading as a reader to experience what she’s writing but I’m also reading from the authors perspective, because I love her message, what she’s about and would love to write like this. I’m dicecting in my mind;

  • why did she say that like that?
  • what has she experienced to say that?
  • what journey is she taking the reader on?

So I’m in the car (or this book) on a journey, as I read. But I’m not sitting back and enjoying the ride. No, I’m sitting forward, I’m looking up, looking around, trying to predict what’s next, I’m studying and understand the driving style of the driver (writer).
It may sound like lot but this is a natural thinking process for me.
Be aware of how your think. You could be reading the same book or watching the same movie as someone else but have a completely different perspective.
Be aware your perspective!


Action is Powerful

Action does more to you than others. It may not bring immediate success or results but it changes you. Makes you more disciplined, more action orientation.
Take working out at the gym for example, each session makes you stronger than the last. Over a few months you’re stronger and leaner, it didn’t take a few sessions, it took constant effort, action and time.
What can you take action on today, and tomorrow and for the rest of this year to make a big impact over time?


There are different types of people

Know yourself. 
Find your people. 

Understand how and why your different so you can mix but stand out and stand true to you!
So there are some people and my life and around me who get up, got to work, have dinner, watch tv, go to sleep and repeat. It’s what they’ve done for the past 10, 20, 30 years and will continue to do so.
Then there are some that are driven by purpose and a desire and they have a similar routine but it’s different, they do more. They read more, they consciously do things that take them closer to their goals. These two types of people may look the same on the surface but they will end up in very different places.
I’m not willing to settle for mediocre, mundane and average!
To be more I must do more. I need to pour in now so later I can reap the rewards of today.
It’s tough not seeing instant results but we need to suck it up and grow up because its how things work sometimes. There’s seed, there’s TIME and then comes the harvest.
Unfortunately, I can’t exercise a fat belly and look for a six pack an hour later. It may take a few months of training.
I heard a story of a guy who was challenged to take an hour out of his tv watching time every night and instead of watching tv he had to read for and hour. He did and became one of America’s number one authors!
A small change can make a BIG difference.
“If you hang with turkeys you’ll be dinner by Christmas”
Walk with people that challenge you.

Run with those you find it hard to keep up with. 

Fly with the Eagles.


Slow down and Savor this moment

A good friend is getting married tomorrow. I told her to savor the moment. Don’t get so caught up that the day passes and you look back and can hardly remember it. All the hard work and preparation has been for this day so don’t miss it!

I did the same on my wedding day. Mentally slowing down and savoring!
I have this advise to all brides and grooms to-be that I meet, but what about now? Doesn’t apply to me, I’m not getting married, or does it?
Driving and listening to an audiobook (as I always do), it hit me. I can slow down and savor the now! Mmm my breakfast was good! I really do enjoy sugar snap peas, salmon egg muffins and my olives. I really enjoyed my gym class too, nap was needed and now my drive to meet a friend for lunch. I’m even savoring writing this note, my perfum smells good. I feel happy. I’m excited about my future. But all I have is this moment. So I’m going to live in it, experience it, be very were of it and enjoy it.
So friend, slow down and savor! Life is so rich. Be aware of the present/present God has given you. Don’t dismiss the moment. Savor it. Who’s with you right now? Around you? Who did you last speak to? Where are you? What are you sitting or standing on? Who taught you to read so that you could be reading these words right now. Take it all in. Slow down and savor!

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