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I can use that. Faithful over the little

What do you have? Be Faithful over (what seems like the) little.

Esther: I’ve only got my beauty

God: I can use that

David: I’ve got a sling and a stone

God: I can use that

Widow: I’ve got a little oil

God: I can use that

Boy: I’ve got 5 loaves and 2 fish

Jesus: I can use that


• Organisational Skills

• Love of Spreadsheets

• Creativity

• Loads of things

• Only one thing

Jesus: I’ve got my Life

God: I can use that


How far can the message of your work reach?

Psalm 19:1-4 NLT

The heavens proclaim the glory of God.

The skies display His craftsmanship.

Day after day they continue to speak;

night after night they make him known.

They speak without a sound or word;

their voice is never heard.

YET their message has gone throughout the earth, and their words to all the world.

Can your craftsmanship make a statement without saying a word?

Psalm 19:4 KJV

Their line is gone out through all the earth, and their words to the end of the world.

What’s that dream, that business, that project you’re working on?

I have 3 questions for you:

  1. How far do you WANT IT to go?
  2. How far CAN IT go?
  3. Do you WANT IT to go as far as it CAN go?

Are you fraid of failure or afraid of success?

If you want it to go as far as it can go, I pray Ps 19:4 over your business, your dream, your project.

May your Product Line/Range go out through all the earth, and your Words/Message to the end of the world.

In Jesus name. Amen!


The Power of being YOU

Be so good at being you; that if you wasn’t you, you’d want to be you!

Authenticity is worth taking the time to master!

Where do you start? With the Master!

Go to the one who created you and knows you best. Spend time getting to know His and He’ll help you to get to know yourself.


I Will Trust

As you know, each day, I like to take the day of the week and find a Psalm or a proverb of that date. So today is the 18th May, so I’ve been looking at Psalm 18.

Three words in Psalms 18 verse 2 just jumped out of the page of the Bible to me and I wanted to encourage you with it.

I will trust.

I really love this, this really resonates with me as I’m thinking about my week and your week and where we’re putting our trust.

We have to be intentional! Trust isn’t just needed in the hard times it’s also needed (may even more) in the good times. In the good times it’s easy to put your trust in; what you have around you in yourself and what’s going well. But in good times and bad times I choose to do what the Scripture says; I will trust.

I will trust: is a future tense, so it’s saying that I will trust, I’m not sure what’s around the corner but I will trust no matter what. I put my trust in him for business when business is going well, when business is going OK and when business is not going so well. I still put my trust in him. My trust does not depend on my circumstances my trust is what remains consistent even when the business has its highs and lows, my goal is to keep my trust consistent.

Where is your trust today?

What level is your trust?

Monitor yourself, take your temperature.

Today is Monday and I’ll be monitoring and reviewing my business figures. I’ll go through my different performance indicators for sales, Marketing and engagement, I will also be looking at my level of trust; where is my trust? Am I trusting God or is my trust in myself, is my trust in my money? I need to focus my trust in God, no matter how good or bad things are and anchor myself in Him.


Be mindful of your words when things are going well

When I was prosperous, I said, “Nothing can stop me now!” Psalm 30:6 NLT

I was studying Psalms 30 A Prayer of Thanksgiving

It starts off in a real humble place of thanksgiving and so much gratitude for what God has done.

The writer goes through a night of weeping, we don’t know how long that “night” lasted but finally JOY comes in the morning.

Then comes verse 6! Ooooooo we have to be CAREFUL!!!

I get that feeling of “it’s been so tough” and “I’ve been through so much” and “things are finally better. I’m finally tasting so prosperity in my business and in my life” and… “I don’t want to leave THIS place and go back!” I get that but be careful.

Verse 6 he says “I will never be moved…”

By verse 7 God is hiding His face and the writer is troubled!

By verse 8 he’s not crying out to God and questioning the purpose of profit.

By the end in verse 11 & 12 he gets it together. His mourning has been turned into dancing and desires that “his glory” (wealth/prosperity/gifts/skills) would sing of God’s glory and not be quiet about it!

It’s ok to prosper but let’s keep the Glory of God as our focus. We stand unmovable in our God, not in our prosperity.

Chapter 9 of my book Finding Divine Flow deal’s with “Money Matters and the Heart” because where your treasure is… that’s where we’ll find your heart. Get your copy today:

Finding Divine Flow: Seeking, Finding and Flowing in Purpose. An Entrepreneurial Journey.


This too shall pass

Weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning.

Psalm 30:5-6 AMP

No matter what you’re going through. This too shall pass. Night of a season. It could be a moment, a day, week, month or years. No matter how long God has promised us that there will be JOY in the morning.

He will give you strength to make it through your night season. Hold on to His hands, His promises and His Word.

You’re going to make it through this.

This too shall pass!


Have Vision and LIVE

Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law (torah) happy is he.
Proverbs 28:18

Where are you?
Is there vision where you are?

If in the place of no vision people perish and die, the opposite must be true…
Where there IS VISION people LIVE.

Vision = the ability to think about or plan for the future with imagination or wisdom.

What do you see VISIONARY?
Go beyond looking and move into seeing.
Go beyond sight and move into faith.
Go beyond your current reality and move into imagination.

“Mix your imagination of the future with wisdom… and you have VISION”


What do you do naturally?

Ask two or three people that are close to you, “what do I do for you that comes naturally to me? Or what do you see me do for others that has value?”

What comes easily and naturally to you does not come easily and naturally to others!

Today I was told that I have a natural ability to interview, listen deeply and pull out great points. I’ve never appreciated this before. In fact, I felt this was an area I needed training on (I will still do this training but it’s also good to know your strengths).

Over the years I have learnt about listening and made a conscious effort to practice my listening skills when working with clients. In Interviewing and Training, these listening skills work really well. Intentional listening keeps things flowing in a natural way.

What are the things you do naturally that you don’t even recognise because it’s so simple and so obvious to you? That is actually something that you could offer to others OR train other people to do.

I hope this has blessed and encouraged you. If you want to dig into your natural gifts more and turn them into a business; I’d love to Coach you. I’ve slashed my Coaching Prices during lockdown to help Creatives Launch & Market their Dreams.

It would be an honour to serve you


Endure, it will be worth it

Is this a trying and testing time for you right now?

The book of James in the Bible gives us a key to enduring testing and temptation… that key is to endure with patience.

It’s hard to be patient while going through testing and temptation. You want to be out of it already!! You want to get to the testimony part. You want to get thought it quickly not patiently. The tempo of patience feels slow.

Patient means – able to accept or tolerate delays, problems, or suffering without becoming annoyed or anxious.

These are challenging times but nothing has taken God by surprise. Let’s keep our hope up and our trust in Him. He’s got us. Let’s be patient through every test and temptation and we will receive every promise from God.

God blesses those who patiently endure testing and temptation. Afterward they will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love him.

James 1:12 NLT

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