Wishing you an incredible year of dreams realized and fulfilled.
Let’s reach for bigger and greater so we can be all God dreamed of when He created us.
It’s an honour to serve you through my blog.
God bless you!
Wishing you an incredible year of dreams realized and fulfilled.
Let’s reach for bigger and greater so we can be all God dreamed of when He created us.
It’s an honour to serve you through my blog.
God bless you!
Sometimes your relationships and friendships are so toxic you have to cut people OFF. For your own health and safety.
Most of the time you just need to reorganize your relationships.
Prioritize and invest time into those strong relationships that are two-way. You get so much out of these relationships and you’re able to pour so much in. You get off the phone or leave their presence feeling like you can face anything! These are precious powerful relationships.
Spend little to no time on the relationships that drain you. The ones when you get off the phone and leave their presence feeling like you need counselling yourself! They’re heavy! For every drop of encouragement you offer, they have an argument.
Relationships are also seasonal. They can start strong. The season ends, but if you’re still trying to hold on to what was, it can turn stale.
Some people aren’t ready for help and just don’t want to be helped. Be careful, are you trying to be their saviour at the detriment of yourself? A great book on this is “Boundaries” by Henry Cloud.
You have an inner-court of friendships and relationships; this should be a small number of people and an outer-court of friendships and relationships. Do you have too many people in your inner-court? Does life feel busy and noisy because you’re carrying too many people?
Reorganize and reprioritize your relationships; in your mind, in prayer and in your journal. It will make a massive difference to your life and the speed at which you reach your goals!
Work on yourself when no one’s looking, so that when you do have an audience you’re ready.
Just like the athlete who trains for hours, days, weeks and years for a 100m race that the world watches for a few seconds.
Show up for YOURSELF in private;
6am at the gym,
In a book rather than the tv,
Take a course to strengthen your strengths and become Masterful at what you do well.
SPEND your time wisely.
INVEST in yourself.
WORK on you, developing and growing yourself spiritually, mentally and physically.
You are worth the effort. No on can do it for you. It’s a decision you have to make and commit to. You won’t regret it and you’ll be better for it!
What’s in your hand?
Therefore, if you’re constantly comparing what you have and what you can do, with others.
Everything about them gets bigger and bigger cause you’re FOCUSED ON THEM.
But… if you focus on what you HAVE and what you CAN DO and improving yourself…
Everything about you will get bigger and better.
Where’s your Focus today?
What do you have in your hand?
Looks like a shovel, looks like a gift, looks like a skill. Don’t call it nothing.
A boy in the Bible had 5 loaves and 3 fish and it fed 5,000 men plus women and children.
God can take the little you “think” you have, bless it and multiply it. Stop calling it “nothing” and start to put some energy and work into yourself.
The world needs what you have inside of you.
I just wrote a post that has been flooded with comments, likes and shares. As I was writing… it was getting good. As I went deeper it got gooder (I know it’s not a word lol. It just felt good).
I realized what was happening as I was writing. I was speaking the truth, then more and more truth.
When you know the truth and speak the truth it will set you free (John 8:32). I know the truth cause I get wisdom from others and wisdom from the Word of God. I speak the truth in my business and in my marketing.
Turn up the volume on your truth. People feel it. It sets YOU free. People like to do business with who they know, like and trust. Speak the truth and people will trust YOU!
My greatest and most successful marketing campaigns have been the ones where I’ve been the most honest and vulnerable. (I know it when my hubby proofs a campaign a says “are you sure you want to say all that?” Yep! Then I hit send!)
Lies bind. Truth sets free.
I was on Premier Gospel this Saturday with Rev David Peterson on his 8:28 Show. We had fun but went waaaayyyy deeper than I thought. We talked so much about my Dad ❤️💔❤️. This month it’s 10 years since his passing, so it’s already an emotional, reflective time then THIS HAPPENED.
I believe we go through things to help others so I hope someone was encouraged.
#paintopurpose #intentional #jesusatthecenter #premiergospel Thank you for having me 🤗
Thank you @kica_photography for the incredible pictures and footage (SHE’S AMAZING and also my Sister💗 I needed the emotional support!! ☺️)
Jessica is an amazing young Woman with so much potential. Just checked my journal and can’t believe it’s only been one year since we first met. Here’s a glimpse of our journey so far:
1) How’s did you get to be Mentored by Camelle? Why her?
It had been on my mind for a few months and at my church anniversary service I asked Camelle. I was so nervous I actually thought she was gonna say no but she said yes.
I only wanted Camelle, as I have always looked up to her. She is a mighty Woman of God, her integrity compassion, her strength, confidence, work drive, just to name a few are qualities that I wanted to see in myself
2) Where were you at in your life when you first started working with her?
I was a mess I was in such a low place. My self-esteem, what self esteem? I didn’t believe in myself at all. At this point my faith in God was non-existent and I was stuck in a dead end job.
3) What was the first meeting like?
The first meeting was just like having a catch up with a big sister. I felt free to talk about any and everything, which we did. I had the opportunity to follow Camelle on a day out, we went to the Royal Society of Art House (where she had been made a Member). I was so overwhelmed by the building, new position and opportunities Camelle was presented with. Sharing that moment with her was amazing!
We talked about setting goals, reading books that would motivate me and help me interact better with people e.g, How to win and influence people.
4) What did you start doing differently after meeting with Camelle?
I started setting goals for the month, doing affirmations in the morning. Staying focused and reaching my goals. I started reading more books for example How to win friends and influence people and Emotional Intelligence.
5) How has your life changed?
In the short space of them I step out of my comfort zone. I got my first legal job and got promoted in 3 months using my affirmations and speaking things into existence (Romans 4:17). Just under 3 months after that I got another job in a law firm. I got the car of my dreams, I had put a photo of the car I wanted on my wall and got the same model and make I wanted. Through Camelle’s encouragement I’ve been able to share my story with others to encourage them.
I can 100% say I am not the same Jessica from last year. Thanks to God for Camelle’s help.
Pastor Micheal Todd did an amazing serise on YouTube on Striding. It was so good. There are 5 pats, here’s part 1: https://youtu.be/QwXyxfwG_9A
I have the best time when I’m Striding with God, walking with Him, taking long specific steps in His direction, taking my time and enjoying His presence across my life.
The problem used to come when things were going really good, it’s real easy, too easy to loose focus on the true source. It could be a book or a video, a post that would get my eyes off God and onto MYSELF. Before I know it I had moved from Striding into STRIVING. Suddenly it was EFFORT, it was hard and it all stops working.
This is where I would refocus. Get back with God and start to Stride WITH Him. It all comes together again. God has been SO GRACIOUS and PATIENT with me.
Don’t hide inside your insecurities it’s not safe there.
October is here!! It’s the final quarter of 2018. Let’s hit reset on our goals. What did you want to achieve this year and haven’t yet? There’s still time!
In a recent book I read it said “imagine it’s 31st December what would you like to have achieved? What do you need to do to make that happen?”
I literally stopped reading, put the book down and started to imagine. I got a lot clearer on what I wanted to achieve and it set my focus and intention in the right place.
This is a great time to reset and refocus then Press Play.
Let’s make these next 3 months a great foundation for 2019.
Copyright Camelle Daley 2019 @ All rights reserved.