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Handling Grief as an Entrepreneur… in the public gaze

There’s a difference when you’re an employee (not comparing grief but just highlighting some of my experiences).

Employees get time off, come back to work and if they function they still get paid.
Let me compare 2 extremes to help explain my point:
1. A person working in a job say, crunching numbers, happy or sad they can still do their work
2. An entrepreneur who’s sales depended on their marketing and on them showing up to speak, share, encourage and promote

And then when you manage to get to a place in your grief where you can look up hopefully at the future, you put yourself out there and you send that first post, that first email. Suddenly you feel the invisible gazes of family and close friends either; encouraging you to keep going for us all in the midst of this hard time, the disapproval of you seemingly moving on.
And no, it may not be anything anyone has said, but you wonder their true thoughts and feelings if they mirror your own.

Entrepreneurs have to bring a certain energy especially if they are promoting their own products. They have to:
– Market energetically
– Wrestle with their own guilt, and (maybe even guilt from family)
How I’ve handled it is:
– Taken my time,
– Processed, prayed and journaled… ALOT,
– Be honest with my people
– Don’t stay away forever, (I knew that if you didn’t show up at some point my clients would move on
– Choose and decide if you want to carry on or if this is a time of transition to something new.

You do know: Who looks, comments, likes and share.
You don’t know: Who silently looks… approvingly, disapprovingly, in admiration or deep loathing.

Here’s a one minute video snippet of this Podcast, I barely managed to record it in January and was experiencing grief again with my family in February. This message got real!


Finding Divine Flow 2021 Planner Walk through Event

Happy New Year!! I pray your first week is off to a great start; in your mind and your spirit… (even if it’s not looking so great in the world around you!)

This is just week 1, we have 51 to go and I would LOVE to help you plan the rest of your year with my 2021 Finding Divine Flow Planner. It’s bigger and better than last year’s version, it’s in full colour and is already transforming people’s lives and daily habits. 

It’s available on Amazon – Click here for more details:

It’s an honour to serve you and push you towards your Great Big God-Sized Dreams,

I would love to walk through the Planner with you on
Monday 11th January, 9pm GMT / 4pm EST,
Live on Facebook and YouTube:


Podcast Episode 029 Habit 2 – Reading with Liz Brown

Liz and I had a fun, candid, conversation about books and reading. You really get a feel for our relationship and what we’re passionate about as Entrepreneurs and Mom’s.

I love that she talks about having books laying around, Liz said “I love being surrounded by knowledge!”

Enjoy the show. You can checkout Liz’s business here:—Reading-with-Liz-Brown-eno5g3


Celebrating One Year of Print

This November, Ordained Magazine celebrates one year in print with a mini-documentary featuring some of the writers, the team and a glimpse behind the scenes:

Ordained Magazine lifted the veil on issues regarding women in ministry covering themes such as;
• Ordination Advice,
• Love & Relationships,
• Teamwork and
• Self-Care

The feedback from readers, subscribers and writers has been phenomenal:

“…every page is a Joy”
“…feels like a love letter from God, to me, to take care of myself because I matter too”
“…the most beautiful Magazine I have ever seen”
“…incredible, uplifting, encouraging”
“…because of Ordained Magazine, I am now a published writer”

The Magazine was the brainchild of Entrepreneur and Author Camelle Daley, who wanted to create a place where Women in Ministry could receive words of encouragement and advice.

Camelle Daley, Editor-in-Chief of Ordained Magazine said: “These women pour out their love, time and resources to others day in and day out, but after that, where do they go to get replenished? I want to create a safe place where they can get their needs met too.”

Jeanette McCarthy Editor, Researcher, Writer for the Magazine said: “It’s important to appreciate those who serve the church. I love reading about the difference Ordained Magazine makes to women in ministry. I knew right away this Magazine was something special that I wanted to be a part of.”

Ordained Magazine is a quarterly publication and is available at
For More information contact Ordained Magazine on +44 (0)1908 760 339 or email

View Mini-Documentary on the Ordained Magazine YouTube Channel here:


Be a Christmas Miracle for a family this year

Just read this. Is beautifully brilliant, especially with all that’s going on right now… seeding this idea out there. How many of us could be part of a Christmas miracle this season for families who feel helpless and hopeless.


“Last Christmas I contacted my sons primary school to find out if there was a family who were going to have a rough time of it at Christmas. I wanted to know if they would appreciate the offer of someone buying their Christmas dinner for them. Our Headmistress had a family in mind and agreed to act as a go between to keep both them anonymous and to keep me anonymous as this was not about being seen to be doing a good thing but to be doing a good thing…

She let me know there were 2 kids in the family of primary age, and we were off…. I built 2 hampers for them, 1 a christmas dinner with all the trimmings (including foil trays to cook in and oil etc) and the 2nd a big hamper of goodies, biscuits, popcorn and other treats to see them through the holidays (with a few staples thrown in, e.g. UHT milk to go with the tea and coffee). A friend donated some cinema vouchers for a trip out, and a local KFC donated a chicken cheque for a meal on them… We bought a couple of little treats for the kids and a small mug for the grown-ups…
All in all it was less than a big night out on the town would cost… Lidl helped keep the costs down… I swear it was one of my favourite thing I remember from last year, my son and I had the most fun picking what we thought they would enjoy opening, it was brilliant wrapping the presents (and including some wrapping paper and tape so the parents could rewrap the gifts if they needed to!… The joy I felt when I delivered it to the headmistress, and I loved thinking about the excitement I’d be feeling if I’d been the Mum and Dad getting to open all the goodies and spoiling their kids(not just staples)…

I just wanted to put the idea out there, in case anyone wanted to try something similar and reach out to their headteacher … There was something very special about knowing you were changing one families christmas day for the better (and were hopefully making them feel spoiled)

Completely get some people would rather give support to food banks (and we do on a weekly basis) but it was such an amazing feeling impacting 1 family in this way. We’ve chatted to our headmistress to find out if there is another family we can help again this year and I really can’t wait!

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