I was so honored to be interviewed by Kina Robertshaw of Faith in Business. I love the work they do. See the full interview here:
I was so honored to be interviewed by Kina Robertshaw of Faith in Business. I love the work they do. See the full interview here:
Incredible evening setting goals, casting vision and creating vision boards!!
Some of the people you encounter haven’t had someone REALLY listen to them in a long time!
Everyone is busy doing life and concerned about themselves. So to find someone genuinely interested in another person is rare. Work on being that rare person.
Listen… not waiting for a pause so you can say what you want to say.
Listen… not reinventing what you hear and creating your own interpretation.
Listen… to the exact words a person is say. People usually say what they mean and if you tell them the exact words that said, if that’s not what they meant they’ll correct it.
Listen… listen long enough and you’ll heart a persons truth. Believe them.
This works for your nearest and dearest, complete strangers and everyone in between.
Practice true, deep, genuine Listening!
Check out Peter and I on TBN UK for the Valentines Series.
I had the rare opportunity to do some 121 Coaching in my office today. Met with a multi-dimensional, talented young lady. She shared her gifts, skills and vision with me and I was able to re-package her in a way she had never imagined. Here’s what she said:
“I just spent an hour with the wonderful Camelle Daley for a 1 to 1. What can I say, the session was inspiring and validating. It’s so reassuring to have someone who is living in “Divine Flow” to validate your vision and give you sound advice. Even just to say I can see where you are going, what you are trying to do, it’s coming together, it’s uniquely you, it’s workable and can do well. I feel like I’ve been given some extra fuel, a boost in confidence and more belief. Thank you Camelle for being so willing to pour out some of the amazing things that have been poured into you xx. God Bless you :)”
There’s a word in the atmosphere about starting small. It can feel insignificant. What about “go big or go home”? If you only think big you could miss a powerful beginning.
3 Lessons from the ant:
Don’t let your size or the size of your beginning define, phase or intimate you. Be diligent, work hard, be focused, Plan your work and work your plan!
Things take time so be Consistent!
Start small. Be consistent. You’ll reap big results!
Proverbs 30:25 & 33 NLT
[25] Ants-they aren’t strong, but they store up food all summer.
[33] As the beating of cream yields butter
For more on consistency check out Chapter 8 of my book Finding Divine Flow available on Amazon and:
When God share His thoughts, sometimes it’s through the cinema of your mind… don’t dismiss it as crazy… pay attention!
I now see my thoughts as God’s tablet; where He downloads His dreams of me.
He doesn’t just create and show me, He creates through me!
Want to know if it’s God? Here’s my checklist:
Have FAITH. Believe that you’re having a God ideas 💡.
Your faith needs WORKS so take action!!
God will ride on the back of your Divine Image-NATION (imagination)… that you take action on.
Let’s dream and imagine with God!
It’s a new year, a new decade, let’s start right. We can create vision board, goals and plans but we will need to be Financially Intentional to make some of these goals, dreams and decisions a reality!
Live on a budget
Plan the year, analyze each month and have a mini review each week!
This isn’t overkill. If you don’t tell your money where to go, someone/something else will!
Strategize ways of generating income
Think. Plan. Dream. Imagine. Then research, plan and execute.
Ecclesiastes 11:6 KJV
In the morning sow thy seed, and in the evening withhold not thine hand: for thou knowest not whether shall prosper, either this or that, or whether they both shall be alike good.
Believe God for miracles and signs that will make you wonder
You’ve budgeted, strategized and done what you can. The fundamental foundation of it all is your belief!
When you do your part God brings the increase in ways you cannot explain!
Ephesians 3:20 KJV
Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us,
It’s not only about what God can do.
It’s not only about what we can do.
It’s about what God; can, will and is doing THROUGH us and in us, it’s a team effort.
Let’s be Financial Intentional this year. Set the budget and set reminders to analysis and review. Make plans to increase wealth and most of all Believe the God in us.
For more on ‘Money Matters and the Heart’ read Chapter 9 from my latest book Finding Divine Flow, available from Amazon, on Kindle and www.FindingDivineFlow.com
I am a big thinker and a big dreamer . I have some huge goals and dreams but there also is so much power in being PRESENT.
Yesterday for example. I was believing for something really big. Let’s say I have 10 things of my list of needs I’m believing God for – I serve a God who can do all 10 suddenly – my expectation was high.
As I got to work I ended up focusing on the one thing while I worked. I got that one thing. It might not seem like much but I poured gratitude and thanks onto God for that one thing.
I woke up today with the thought “believe for smaller”. That challenged me because I like to stretch and reach for greater and bigger… but smaller?
My experience yesterday showed me the Power of Process. If I got 1 thing out of 10 yesterday, what could happen after 10 days of powerfully believing and doing the work necessary to make the next thing happen, then the next. I could potentially have all 10 things! It’s not an exact science, it’s faith, mixed with works which creates miracle moments.
Have your big goals and dreams but pour your energy into one small thing at a time and the compound effect will blow your mind.
Want to achieve big goals? Believe for the smaller elements and make small commitments everyday.
I have been praying for you today, that you will experience miracles and signs that make you wonder.
Yesterday was the first time I opened my office doors to train a group of people on some of the keys I have used to grow myself and my business over the past 10 years.
We had a deep, powerful and transformational time. Please keep the testimonies COMING!!
I have heard from some people who have been praying, reading and journaling (3 of the 8 keys I shared). Two people have already had dream job offers, TODAY!!!
To God be the glory.
Keep up the great work. I’m praying for you. May the testimonies and miracles keep pouring in.
Here’s a little highlight reel of the event;
It’s an honour to serve you,
Copyright Camelle Daley 2019 @ All rights reserved.